Dynamic load management in industrial operations

    If the electrical output increases at short notice during operation, peak loads occur. These quickly become extremely expensive. Our ENIT act system for peak load management can effectively prevent this.

    We help you to identify switchable consumers and to record and control your load profile using intelligent algorithms.

    Do you have any questions or need a personal, non-binding consultation?

    Need an explanation? Here you can find our webcast on the topic of load management and peak load reduction

    Please note that our Webcasts are held in german - automatic subtitles available

    ENIT act -
    Avoiding load peaks with an optimal software-hardware combination

    Thanks to the high level of data transparency provided by our energy monitoring, our algorithm recognizes when a load peak is about to occur. The load profile is reduced to a limit value by switching off flexible consumers or connecting battery storage systems.

    Thanks to our many years of experience, we can identify flexible consumers in your business and control them using our algorithm. Of course, we do not simply interfere with your production, because our aim is to save high final grid costs without interfering with important processes. ENIT act ensures a higher efficiency of your output, which is further optimized by taking power generators such as PV systems into account.

    Approaches to peak load reduction:

    • Load control of thermal processes: Heating systems, heat pumps, chillers, air conditioning systems...
    • Cleaning/standby programs for systems
    • Control of wallboxes/charging stations
    • Installation of battery storage systems


    Reduce peak load in 4 steps

    At ENIT ,we havedeveloped a 4-step plan that paves the way to effective load management and a significant reduction of your grid charges :

    1. Identification of peak loads: At the end of the billing year, analyze your electricity bill to determine the amount of your peak load and the resulting costs.
    2. Energy monitoring: With an energy monitoring system, you can record when and by which consumers the peak load occurred. This enables you to take specific measures to reduce future peak loads.
    3. Organizational measures: Based on the data obtained, we work together in a workshop to develop organizational measures and identify flexible consumers.
    4. Automated load management: The "all-round carefree solution" includes automated load management, in which flexible consumers can be selectively curtailed. This reduces peak loads and effectively saves costs.

    Project procedure

    1. Recording of the conditions during an on-site appointment and workshop to identify the cause of the peak load and organizational optimization potential, identification of flexibilities in the process
    2. Configuration and parameterization of the hardware, adaptation and individualization of the algorithm
    3. Installation of the hardware on site, commissioning and testing, go-live
    4. Software and security updates, adjustments to the switching logic, integration of additional flexibilities

    A load management workshop brings together all the findings from your company, the available measurement data and our expertise in the areas of load management and energy technology. Together, we develop a customized concept for your load management. The specific parameters for each consumer are also defined. The most important parameters include

    • Maximum curtailment time
    • Minimum operating time
    • Priority in the curtailment process
    • Minimum technical operating power
    • Defined minimum load

    This structured approach allows you to utilize the full potential of your flexible consumers while ensuring that all processes in your company continue to run smoothly.

    Advantages of a load management system

    • Develop efficient and long-term energy strategies
    • Data view and visualization of the load profile in current operation
    • Eliminate high energy cost bills
    • Generate effective process optimization with measurable successes
    • Optimize energy supply
    • Monitor your own energy supply live
    • Modular system that can be continuously expanded,
    • Save unnecessary energy costs and use savings for profitable investments
    • Operate sustainably and remain competitive

    Our offers for you at a glance

    Before the use of intelligent load management makes sense, you should have already dealt with an energy monitoring system. Here too, ENIT offers you a suitable solution with our ENIT agent.

    If you are already thinking about peak load management when planning an energy monitoring system, this is part of the BAFA subsidy.

    Also take a look at our workshop for load management in the overview. There you will find further exciting and relevant information.