If a company includes multiple locations or even its own subsidiaries, a group account must be prepared, and there is a risk of double counting, confusion, and errors. Here, Enit carbon is the solution.
Here you will find excerpts from a sample corporate carbon footprint so that you can get an idea of the documentation of the results.
Please note that this document is in German language. Feel free to contact us, if you need this information in English.
If you would like to find outmore about the CO2 requirements for suppliers in the industry, you can download a corresponding white paper free of charge here.
Please note that this document is in German language. Feel free to contact us, if you need this information in English.
Mr. Hanselka, Managing Director of the SFB Group, reports on why he decided to work with Enit on carbon accounting and what was particularly important to him.
An energy assessment is carried out at the beginning of the planning phase of an energy monitoring system in accordance with ISO 50001. For this, all energy bills, meter readings and measurement data are viewed, analyzed and evaluated. And it is precisely this data that forms the optimum basis for a carbon footprint. The energy bills and meter readings allow conclusions to be drawn about both direct and indirect emissions. Based on the measured data, CO2 balancing methods can be implemented easily and directly.
You can find more information about our energy monitoring solution here.