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    Receive all relevant energy reports for your company as a PDF.

    To give you an overview of the energy reports and evaluations, you can download a sample report here.


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    Time saving

    No searching for individual reports, just a practical summary in PDF format once a month.



    Easy access for energy managers without software experience as well as management and auditors.



    In the case of anomalies, we note the exact time and the type of anomaly.

    All relevant energy reports for energy audits and energy optimizations

    Analyses are time-consuming - often enough there is not enough time for them.

    The ENIT energy report provides you with a comprehensive and simply structured overview of all the data recorded in your company. From the transfer meter to your integrated energy meters - new every month.

    Sample report with exemplary table of contents:

    1. Annual view of active energy consumption
    2. Monthly view of energy distribution in the Sankey diagram
    3. Monthly view of active power at the transfer meter
    4. Monthly view of energy mix from grid supply and own generation
    5. Weekly view of active power and peak load
    6. Electrotechnical analysis - symmetry of the phase currents

    We present your energy consumption in clear meter reading tables. The report also contains evaluations relevant to the energy industry, such as the load peak at the transfer meter, the load curve and electrotechnical parameters.
