On-site consultation - tailored to your needs

    From the initial survey to the finished measurement concept.

    We will be happy to visit you to get an idea of the energy situation on site.

    Contact our sales department for an individual offer!

    Get a non-binding quote for your on-site consultation!

    We offer you the right package:

    On-site consulting S
    On-site consulting M
    On-site consulting L
    Individual instruction on the use of the ENIT Agent included included included
    Inventory of existing meters and infrastructure conditions (topology, etc.) included inclusive included
    Expert advice on the metering concept (meter selection, transformer, installation, data quality) included included included
    Provision of the developed measurement concept as Excel or in software included included
    Follow-up e-mail with next steps for project implementation included included
    Advice on changing the energy metering point operator included
    incl. travel expenses and follow-up up to ... Up to 1 day expenditure Up to 2 days effort Up to 4 days effort