Note on subsidies

    This page is about BAFA subsidies for companies in Germany.

    If you would like to find out about funding opportunities in Austria or Switzerland, please visit the page linked here - simply click on this button:

    What is BAFA funding?

    BAFA funding for energy management

    Energy management is a crucial aspect for companies to improve their energy efficiency and reduce their costs. One way to help companies do this is through BAFA funding for energy management. In this article, we will take a closer look at this funding and find out how companies can benefit from it.

    What is BAFA funding?

    BAFA funding is a government funding measure that aims to provide financial support to companies that want to implement measures to increase their energy efficiency. The funding is aimed in particular at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), but can also be used by large companies.

    The Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) is an authority of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. It is responsible for implementing funding programs and monitoring foreign trade law. BAFA funding is one of the many measures offered by BAFA to support companies in implementing energy-efficient measures.

    Important note on the current situation

    Due to a budget freeze imposed by the Federal Ministry of Finance on November 15, 2023, there were no new financial commitments for projects from 2024 onwards for several months. Funding can now be applied for again since February. You can watch the recording of our current webinar on the restart of BAFA funding here free of charge:


    Webinar on subsidies for energy monitoring

    Are you about to introduce or expand an energy management system for your company? If so, find out about funding opportunities in good time: BAFA supports companies in the implementation of energy management measures (Module 3) with 25 - 45 %. BAFA does not provide any information on the scope of the funding, so it is not possible to predict how long the funding will be available. BAFA also provides a grant of 40 - 60 % for eligible transformation concepts (Module 5) in the area of CO2 balancing.

    As we have already successfully submitted numerous funding applications with our customers, we are happy to share our experience and knowledge with you in this webinar. After the webinar, you will be able to answer the following questions:

    • What requirements do you need for a BAFA grant?
    • What amount of funding can you expect?
    • How can you submit an application?
    • What do you need to bear in mind when applying?

    Take a look here!

    Please note that these webinars are held in German. If you would like to request information in English please feel free to contact us.

    Definition and purpose of BAFA funding

    BAFA funding was created to help companies lower their energy costs, reduce their CO2 emissions and increase their competitiveness. The financial support is intended to motivate companies to invest in energy-efficient technologies and sustainable practices.

    Energy efficiency is an important issue in today's world. By reducing energy consumption, companies can not only cut their costs, but also make a contribution to climate protection. BAFA funding plays a decisive role in promoting energy-efficient measures and helps companies to operate more sustainably.

    Areas of application for BAFA funding

    BAFA funding covers a wide range of energy management measures and technologies. These include, for example, energy management software (including software training) as well as measurement and control technology that is purchased in connection with the use of an EMS.

    The funding can be used for various sectors and areas. Companies from industry, trade, the service sector and the skilled trades can benefit from BAFA funding. There are specific funding programs for certain technologies and measures to ensure that the funding is targeted and provides the greatest possible benefit for companies.

    BAFA funding is an important building block for the energy transition and climate protection. The financial support encourages companies to invest in energy-efficient technologies and make their contribution to reducing CO2 emissions. The funding thus contributes to the achievement of national and international climate targets.


    Requirements for BAFA funding in energy management

    In order to be eligible for BAFA funding in energy management, companies must meet certain requirements. These requirements relate to both the company itself and the energy management system it is aiming to implement.

    Requirements for companies

    Companies must have a permanent establishment in Germany in order to be eligible for funding. The size of the company, i.e. number of employees and turnover/balance sheet total, determines the amount of funding, but there are no size criteria that a company must meet in order to be eligible for funding at all. Companies that invest in renewable energies or optimize their production processes in order to reduce energy consumption demonstrate a sustained interest in energy efficiency.

    In addition to these requirements, companies must also prove their financial viability -or more specifically: Companies must not be goingthrough insolvency proceedings. This can be done by submittingbalance sheets and annual reports to ensure that the company is in a position to make the necessary investments in the energy management system.

    Requirements for energy management systems

    To be eligible for funding, companies must implement a certified energy management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001 or an alternative system with comparable requirements. This system should document the continuous improvement process for energy consumption and implement measures to save energy.

    A certified energy management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001 defines the requirements for effective energy management. It includes the definition of targets and measures to save energy, the monitoring of energy consumption, the training of employees and the regular review and improvement of the system.

    Alternatively, companies can also implement an alternative energy management system that meets comparable requirements. Such systems should also support the continuous improvement process of energy consumption and implement energy saving measures.

    The implementation of an energy management system requires careful planning and implementation. Companies must provide appropriate resources and expertise to successfully implement and maintain the system. It is also important that the energy management system is regularly reviewed and updated to ensure that it meets current requirements and best practices.

    BAFA funding process

    The BAFA funding process consists of several steps that companies must go through in order to receive financial support

    Steps to apply for BAFA funding

    First, companies must submit an application to BAFA. This application should contain all relevant information and evidence about the company and the intended energy management system. Once the application has been submitted, BAFA will carry out an assessment to check the company's eligibility for funding.

    Processing time and decision-making process

    The processing time for the application varies depending on the number of applications received and the complexity of the case in question. However, BAFA endeavors to process applications as quickly as possible. Once the review is complete, a decision will be made on whether to grant funding and the company will be notified.


    NEW is that there is no longer a start of measures BEFORE the application is approved!In addition, proof of certification is NO longer required.

    Effects of BAFA funding on energy management

    BAFA funding can have a significant impact on companies' energy management.

    Potential benefits for companies

    The financial support provided by BAFA funding enables companies to invest in energy-efficient technologies and systems that they might not otherwise be able to afford. This can lead to significant cost savings and strengthen the company's competitiveness.

    Challenges and solutions

    Although BAFA funding offers many benefits, companies can also face challenges in implementing it. Some of these challenges can be technical or bureaucratic in nature. It is important to recognize these challenges and find appropriate solutions in order to take full advantage of the funding.


    Future of BAFA funding in energy management

    BAFA funding in energy management is subject to constant change and should therefore be reviewed regularly.

    Current developments and trends

    The Federal Government is continuously working on the further development of BAFA funding in order to meet the needs of companies and incorporate new technological developments. It is important to stay informed about current developments and trends in order to make the best possible use of the funding.

    Outlook and forecasts

    An outlook on the future of BAFA funding shows that energy efficiency will continue to be of great importance. It is to be expected that the funding will continue to play an important role in the coming years and support companies in implementing energy-efficient measures.

    Overall, BAFA funding for energy management offers companies a valuable opportunity to improve their energy efficiency and receive financial support at the same time. Companies should carefully review the eligibility requirements and process and consider the potential benefits. By making the right use of the funding, energy management can be improved in the long term and competitiveness increased.


    What should you look out for when choosing an energy monitoring system?

    "Anyone introducing an energy management system today should make sure that it is compatible with their ERP system."

    (Pascal Benoit, CEO - ENIT)