Subsidies in Austria and Switzerland

    If your company is based in Austria or Switzerland, then you've come to the right place. We summarize briefly and concisely which subsidies are available and where you can find further information.

    If you have any questions or concerns about your CO2- or energy management, please feel free to contact us at any time.

    Funding in Germany

    If your company is based in Germany and you would like to find out more about BAFA funding, please join one of our upcoming webinars or continue reading on the BAFA funding page .


    Why is the promotion of energy- and CO2 management so important?

    The corporate areas of energy and CO2 management are of great importance, as they are not only important for the success of a manufacturing company, but also have great potential for savings. However, before energy consumption, costs and emissions can be reduced, equipment, structures and processes often have to be created first. This requires investment and the fact that this is an urgent matter is also shown by the fact that interest in subsidies for energy management systems and monitoring has grown considerably in recent years. The advantages of such systems are obvious: reducing energy costs, improving the CO2 balance and achieving sustainability targets. The status quo in medium-sized companies varies greatly: some companies do not yet have intelligent energy monitoring, others lack emissions data and carbon footprints for a climate strategy.

    In any case, it pays to be informed about existing funding opportunities and to make sensible use of them. This is because funding programs make the introduction of an energy monitoring system and energy-efficient management doubly attractive from a financial perspective.

    In Germany, Austria and Switzerland, there are various funding programs that medium-sized manufacturing companies can take advantage of.

    General recommendation

    It is highly advisable to regularly visit the official websites of the institutions listed below to stay informed about current funding opportunities and conditions, as the exact requirements, funding amounts and application procedures may change over time. Depending on your specific request, it may also be helpful to contact the respective institutions or local advice centers directly to obtain detailed and specific information.

    On this page, we would like to help you get an initial overview. Austria and Switzerland have various funding programs and initiatives for energy efficiency and sustainable energy solutions.

    Plants made from coins

    Funding for energy management in Austria

    Austria offers various funding programs for companies wishing to invest in energy management systems (EMS) and energy-efficient technologies. Here is a summary of the most important information and contact points:

    Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)

    The FFG supports projects in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energies. It offers various programs specifically designed for research and development in the fields of energy and the environment.

    Domestic environmental funding

    This funding program is aimed at companies that want to invest in technologies for energy saving and environmental protection.

    "klimaaktiv" program

    The Federal Ministry for Climate Protection offers various subsidies for energy efficiency measures through the "klimaaktiv" program.

    For detailed and up-to-date information on the various funding programs, the official websites of FFG and BMK should be consulted.

    Funding for the introduction of an EMS

    Who is eligible for funding?

    Funding is available for SMEs based or operating in Austria, with the exception of fisheries, banking and local authorities.

    Eligible costs

    These include external consulting and certification costs for an energy management system, investments in energy monitoring software and stationary measurement technology, as well as external training costs for the implementation of the EMS. An offer from the external consultant must always be enclosed with the application as a basis.

    Costs not eligible for funding

    These include projects that have already begun, ongoing operating costs, land, financial assets and replacement investments.

    Type and amount of funding

    Funding is provided as a grant, with an upper limit of €50,000 per funding recipient. The exact amount varies depending on the type of funding and the size of the company.

    External consulting and certification costs for an energy management system as well as external training costs in connection with the energy management system are eligible for funding up to 50%.

    Investment costs for setting up an energy management system can be funded up to 30% (as part of de minimis funding), 20% for small and micro enterprises or 10% for medium-sized enterprises. Funding already received from other sources reduces this amount accordingly in order to comply with the maximum limits.

    Duration and payment

    The project duration is limited to a maximum of two years. Payments are made in tranches or after project completion. It usually takes 1 to 6 weeks for an application to be approved.

    Public links with information

    Funding opportunities for energy management in Switzerland

    Switzerland offers various funding programs for companies wishing to invest in energy management systems (EMS) and efficiency improvements. Here are the most important information and contact points at a glance:

    Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE)

    The Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) is an institution of the Swiss Federal Administration and is the central point of contact for subsidies in the energy sector. It supports various programs and initiatives to increase energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies. This includes financial subsidies for projects and technologies in the field of renewable energies and energy efficiency as well as advisory services and information campaigns on energy efficiency aimed at both companies and citizens.


    The SwissEnergy program, for which the Swiss Federal Office of Energy is responsible, has been promoting the economical use of energy and the use of renewable energies in cooperation with various sectors since 1991. Today, the program supports the implementation of the Energy Strategy 2050 together with other energy and climate policy instruments. However, the program itself does not award any funding; this is the responsibility of subordinate projects and initiatives. SwissEnergy website: Funding and subsidies for energy projects


    This SFOE funding programme supports companies with electricity efficiency measures, in particular the modernization of electricity-intensive systems. The subsidy can cover up to 30% of the investment costs. ProKilowatt subsidy program

    Energy Agency for the Economy (EnAW)

    The EnAW advises companies on the introduction of energy management systems and the application for subsidies.

    Regional subsidies

    There are also regional programs and initiatives for companies offered by the individual cantons.

    For up-to-date information and details on the funding programs, visit the websites of the SFOE and the cantons. Optimize your search with specific terms such as "energy funding Switzerland" or "energy management funding programs".

    Webinar on subsidies for energy monitoring

    Are you about to introduce or expand an energy management system for your company? If so, find out about funding opportunities in good time: BAFA supports companies in the implementation of energy management measures with 30-50%, for how long is uncertain.

    As we have already successfully submitted numerous funding applications with our customers, we are happy to share our experience and knowledge with you in this webinar. After the webinar, you will be able to answer the following questions:

    • What requirements do you need for a BAFA grant?
    • What amount of funding can you expect?
    • How can you submit an application?
    • What do you need to bear in mind when applying?

    Take a look!

    Please note that these webinars are held in German. If you would like to request information in English please feel free to contact us.